pet parent F.A.Q.

  • We are very happy to answer as many questions as we can during business hours. However, in a true emergency, often the best thing to do is head to your closest emergency center.

  • We are happy to answer any of your questions. Please reach out by email or give us a call at 415-967-3303. If you have more extensive questions, or wish for us to review your appointment in detail with another family member, we will schedule you a telemedicine appointment so you can have a focused block of time with your clinician.

  • Please feel free to reach out to us by email or by phone at 415-967-3303. For long term medications, we will usually put refills on the prescription. Please check with your pharmacy to see if you have refills before requesting further refills. If you are out of refills, that usually means you need a recheck exam. We ask that our patients on long term medication see us every 4 to 6 months.

  • Unfortunately without seeing you and your pet in person again, we can't give you advice about what is happening with them now. There are too many possibilities that we can't cover remotely, and we are more likely to give you bad advice than good. Please email us or call us at 415-967-3303 to set up an appointment.

  • We strive to return all messages within one business day. If your question cannot wait that long, please call rather than email.

  • Unfortunately, due to California law, we cannot give you advice on your animal unless we have met you both in person.


PHONE: 415-967-3303



New patient request forms


216 11th St.

San Francisco 94103

Directions to hospital and patient drop off

Directions to self parking parking garage